Shop online, by mail, by phone, or visit our store in Bismarck

You can now pay with PayPal. Paypal accepts major credit cards so you do not need to have a PayPal account to shop. You may also use PayPal to make donations to GRHS or purchase or renew your membership.

For orders outside of the United States, please contact the GRHS headquarters office to place an order. Due to varying postage costs, we will need to determine postage rates for all orders to be shipped to addresses outside of the United States. Please email us at or call the office at 1(701) 223-6167 to place an order.  

Please also note: We reserve the right to refuse service. We will not allow misuse of our products. The items purchased from our store are to be used for personal use only. No entire publication or part of a publication is to be copied, photocopied, reproduced, transmitted, transferred, or recorded in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system, or otherwise, without the written permission from the author. Our products are available at a fair price to those wishing to obtain copies.  

cartShop Online

NOTE: Due to varying postage costs, please contact the GRHS headquarters office to place orders that will be shipped outside of the United States and/or orders totaling over $200.00 USD.

Please also note: We reserve the right to refuse service. We will not allow misuse of our products. The items purchased from our store are to be used for personal use only. No entire publication or part of a publication is to be copied, photocopied, reproduced, transmitted, transferred, or recorded in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval system, or otherwise, without the written permission from the author. Our products are available at a fair price to those wishing to obtain copies. 

Member Store
Members can shop at the member store to receive discounts.

Public Store
Nonmembers are welcome to shop at the Public Store.  Are you interested in receiving the member discounts?  All you have to do is click on JOIN at the top of the page and follow the instructions.

mailShop By Mail

If you wish to order by mail, download and print our PDF order form and pay by check:

Mail your order to:
GRHS Headquarters
1125 West Turnpike Avenue
Bismarck, North Dakota 58501

phoneShop By Phone

Call us at (701) 223-6167.

shopShop in Person

Hours: Monday -Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm (Central Time)
Plan a visit to our store and library in Bismarck


Video Tapes

donateMake a donation to the GRHS


Use this button to donate funds to GRHS

*Only contributions made directly to GRHS or to HFGR are available to GRHS. Other Germans from Russia genealogy organizations or heritage collections do not contribute funds to GRHS.

renewPurchase or renew your membership

Use this button to purchase or renew a GRHS membership

Using PayPal to purchase or renew your GRHS membership : If you are purchasing a NEW membership, please Mail, Email or FAX (701.223.4421) an application to GRHS so that we will know your address. The application form is available for download in PDF format.

Note: The PayPal shopping cart uses a "cookie" and will not work properly if you block cookies on your computer. If you have a problem where items are "forgotten" from your cart check your browser or any other software on your computer which may be blocking cookies.

Files in PDF format on this page require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to be viewed. Available here