Hoffnungstal, Bessarabia
The Regional Interest Group for this village is Bessarabia & Dobrudscha Chapter
Village Coordinator: Curt Renz
- Region: Black Sea
- Area: Bessarabia
- District:
- Rayon:
- Founded: 1843
- Religion: Evangelical
- Location: C-7 Stumpp Map
- Longitute and Latitude:
- Parish: Klöstitz
- German Name: Hoffnungstal
- Russian Name: Nadjeshdowka
- Ukrainian Name:
Post (of.) - Cleastita
Kris (Jud) - Cet. -Alba
Refer to information contained in the Karlstal Odessa village page.
From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger (page 118)
The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 – 1862 by Karl Stumpp (page 523)
Auswanderung Aus Schwaben Nach Russland 1816-1823 by Dr. Georg Leibbrandt (Chapter 19, copy available at the GRHS)
Bessarabian Heimatkalender) Jubilare, 1964 (pp. 137-138), 1848 History, 1967 (pp. 35-36), jüngste Mutterkilonie,1967 (pp. 27-35),
Gründerfamilien,1967 (pp. 37-39), Humor aus Hoffnungstal, 1973 (p.141), 135 Jahre alt, 1977 (p.16), Kirche als Umschlagsb, 1977
See two books by Rudoph Hofer on the village of Hoffnungstal
See two books by Albert Eisenbeiss on the village of Hoffnungstal
Village History - 1848
War Records
- EWZ Records
- DAI Bessarabia Village Reports
- DAI Miscellaneous Reports
- Evacuation from Bessarabia & Bukovina
- Bessarabia Koblenz Index Derivative
Supplemental Information
Bessarabia Head of Household Index
Bessarabia Surnames Origins Index
- Heimatbuch der Dobrudscha Deutschen Surname Index
- Christian Fiess Indices
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