
Acronyms Frequently Used at GRHS

AA Archive Acquisition
AC Area Coordinator (someone who specializes in researching specific areas of the U.S. or Canada where Germans from Russia settled)
AHSGR American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
BDO Beresan District Odessa
Bess Bessarabia
BOD Board of Directors
CH Clearing House (GRHS volunteers that coordinate work on acquiring, translating, and extracting research resources)
FHC Family History Center (the LDS branch libraries located throughout the world)
FHL Family History Library (the main LDS library in Salt Lake City)
GCRA Glückstal Colonies Research Association (focus on villages in the Glückstal colonies - associated with but not affiliated with GRHS)
GDO Grossliebental District Odessa
GP-PR Germans to Prussia - Poland to Russia
GR German from Russia or German-Russian
GRHS Germans from Russia Heritage Society
HFGR Heritage Foundation for Germans from Russia
HOP Hoffnungstal Odessa Parish
HR Heritage Review (GRHS quarterly publication)
KET Kherson, Ekatarinoslav, Taurida
K-RIG Kutschurgan Regional Interest Group
KRIM Crimea
LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly referred to as the Mormon Church)
NDSU North Dakota State University
OC Ort Coordinator (someone who specializes in researching specific German villages where Germans from Russia originated)
ODL Odessa Digital Library (often referred to as the "pixel" or Odessa3)
RIG Regional Interest Group (virtual groups bound together by an interest in a common region)
VC Village Coordinator (someone who specializes in researching specific German villages in Russia)
VRP Village Research Project (volunteers who support members in their research efforts - made up of CH, ACs, VCs & OCs )