Clearing House


The purpose of the Clearing House Committee is to organize and process projects with members of the Clearing House and its volunteer teams and to minimize duplication of efforts.


To set up project teams with volunteers, track the progress of each project, and then make recommendations to the Publications Committee or Web Services Committee as to how the finished project should be shared with the membership. If there will be a cost to the members the committee will work together with the GRHS Office Manager to determine what the fair cost will be.

Enlist a group of volunteers from within the GRHS membership that can provide insight and expertise as:

Village Research Project & Clearing House Committee

Valerie Ingram, Co-Chair
Dennis Roth, Co-Chair
Kenneth Messmer, LDS Liason
Ken Dupper, IPRAs
Dave Feist, Genealogy Database
Merv Weiss, Canada AC
Don Ehreth, ORT & USA AC
Betty Nordeng (Chair of VC's)

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