

The Inland Northwest Chapter of GRHS (Germans from Russia Heritage Society) was officially formed in February of 2003.  The GRHS was formed in 1971 at Bismarck, ND, which was to become a center for migration of the Black Sea Germans from Russia starting in 1873. The Germans from Russia  represent a unique cultural group, and as such, it is the goal of the GRHS and the INWC to preserve the extraordinary heritage and history of the German-Russians. These goals are being reached by collecting, cataloguing, and preserving published materials and personal documents that enhance our knowledge of the migrations from Germany to Russia, the life of the colonists during their stay in Russia, and the subsequent tragedies that forced many of our ancestors to migrate out of Russia.   This migration led many German Russians to settle in various regions of Canada, Argentina, Australia, and the United States, including the Inland Northwest region.

The specific purpose of this chapter is to assist members now living in the Inland Northwest to research their family genealogy, history, and heritage. Your membership with GRHS, and subsequently with the Inland Northwest Chapter, will place you in contact with others who are members of this unique German-Russian community.

Membership will also provide you with the opportunity to further your genealogical and cultural research by providing contact with knowledgeable researchers in our area, as well as providing an excellent place to share resources and information with other German-Russian researchers. It is also the goal of the INWC to provide a medium where its members can associate with other German Russians to discuss, expand in their knowledge, and share in preserving their cultural backgrounds.

It is the sincere hope that membership and affiliation with GRHS and the INWC will be a rewarding and exciting opportunity for you and your family to explore and renew interest in your unique heritage.


The Inland Northwest Chapter Board of Directors



 Webmaster: Valerie Renner Ingram