HOP Unknown Pictures

The following pictures have been provided by the GRHS members who are uncertain of the persons in these photos. The photos posted here are believed to be of residents of the villages of the Hoffnungstal Odessa Parish families or village scenes.

Pictures will remain on this webpage as long as they are unidentified and resources allow.

The quality of the following photos as used here has been reduced so as not to take up too much resources. Full sized photos (if available) can be provided if needed. Please contact us if you have pictures of this nature you would like to post here. [we will want to limit an individual member to about 2-3 pictures in the active collection below at any one given time.]

[don't forget to check out the notes after each picture in case you find a picture you desire to make contact on]


This picture was found in the Philip Wall collection, but it is not understood if there was any relationship or not.  Philip was of the Mercer ND area for most of his life.
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Hoffnungstal School 1918: This picture is from the Paul Reeb collection. The original is twice this size and is available for viewing by GRHS members only. Can anyone identify any of the children in this photo?
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The Paul Reeb collection also includes pictures (GRHS members only) of these as yet unidentified people: Couple 1, Couple 2, Couple 3 and this lady, all from Hoffnungstal, Od.
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