Family Surnames and other sources
In addition to church, census, and resettlement records, there are a number of other sources for finding out more about your Grossliebental families. Contactgdo @ if you have family-specific information you'd like to share!
Family databases & compilations
Links to specific
family databases and compilations
GDO genealogy database [broken] (search surnames online)
Grossliebental district family databases (not searchable, listed by village and surname)
EWZ Village/Family Database (war records sorted by village and family)
Repressions database (GDO focused, sorted by village and surname)
Family genealogy reports from the Clearing House page [broken]
Beresan District family databases (by village, see end of list)
Bessarabian family databases [broken]
Check other Regional Interest Groups [broken] for family databases
- Grossliebental Deaths in Aug. and Sep. 1919 Insurrection [broken]
Death notices and obituaries [all broken]
Obituaries and death notices are great sources of family information. Death
notices are usually more informal than an obituary; often these are just a
mention in a letter published in a German-language newspaper that someone
has died.
Death notices (mainly from Volk auf dem Weg for GDO families; key facts available online)
Death notices published in German-language newspapers (available online via searchable database)
Obits held in GRHS Library (index online but must contact GRHS to get a copy of the obit, many sources)
Obits for Bessarabia & Dobrudscha Germans (available online, mostly from German-language newspapers)
Movement of colonists
The archives in Ukraine have many documents that mention the movement of colonists from one location to another, within Russia or from other places. Often these are documents are requesting or granting permission to change colonies.
Movement into and out of Bessarabia villages relates to the following GDO villages: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Güldendorf, Helenental, Kleinliebental, Lustdorf, Neu Freudental, Neuburg and Peterstal
Family Registry Gochsen, Nekarsulm, Wuerttemberg - Barreth, Jäger, Kress from Freudental and Mariental
1852 - Those Outside of the Village [broken]
134-2-134 - Immigration to Akkermann Kreis Bessarabia (134-2-134) contains information on settlers from the following GDO villages: Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Güldendorf, Helenental, Neu Freudental, and Peterstal
252-1-257 - Settlers who were to go to Grusien but are in the Odessa region
Additional family information
Index by surname: A-L and M-Z [both broken] (shows name, birth year, village)
DAI 600 Film Index [broken] (Grossliebental Odessa - 1816 Partial Census)
KREIS of Alexanderhilf and Liebental District (provided by Martin R. Schock)
RENSCHLER of Freudental and Neu Freudental, Odessa (provided by Martin R. Schock)
ROTH of Alexanderhilf, Peterstal and Leibental District (provided by Martin R. Schock)
SCHAFFNER of Neuburg and Liebental District (provided by Martin R. Schock)
SCHOCK of Peterstal and Liebental District (provided by Martin R. Schock)
WAGNER of Neuburg and Liebental District (provided by Martin R. Schock)
Colonist Status Files
Family photos
Unknown Grossliebental photos [broken] (Do you recognize any of these?)
Unknown photos [broken] (other Regional Interest Groups)
Representative family photos [broken] (typical poses and types of GR family photos)