Fond and Files
The following links are for use by GRHS members for personal use only. At no time should any of these files be sold for profit or posted on any personal website.
Church Records
Freudental St. Petersburg files - zipped files
Grossliebental St. Petersburg files - zipped files
Odessa St. Petersburg files - zipped files
Grossliebental St. Petersburg files - pdf files sorted alphabetical by last name and sorted by births, marriages and death
St. Petersburg Annual Reports 1899-1917 - GDO Families - Births, Deaths, Marriages
St. Petersburg Annual Reports 1899-1917 - GDO Families located in the BDO - Births, Deaths, Marriages
St. Petersburg Annual Reports 1899-1917 - GDO Families located in the Crimea - Births, Deaths, Marriages
Census Records (births/deaths/marriages)
- 64-1-494 - Josefstal Village Administration (About newborns, deceased and married in 1881 including information on compiling the family list)
64-1-506 - Josephstal Village Administration - About born, deceased and married in 1884
65-1-184 - Mariental Village Administration (birth certificates of 1841-1885)
6-1-593 - Liebental District Odessa Gains and Losses (births/deaths/marriages) Oct 1811 focuses on the following villages: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Josefstal, Lustdorf, Kleinliebental, Mariental, Neuburg and Peterstal
6-1-626 - Liebental District Odessa Gains and Losses (births/deaths/marriages) Jan 1812 focuses on the following villages: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Josefstal, Lustdorf, Kleinliebental, Mariental, Neuburg and Peterstal
252-1-470 Liebental District Odessa Gains and Losses (births/deaths/marriages) July through Dec 1822 focuses on the following villages: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Josefstal, Lustdorf, Kleinliebental, Mariental, Neuburg and Peterstal
Keller files for Franzfeld, Josefstal, Kleinliebental and Mariental
Immigration and Moving About in South Russia
Movement into and out of Bessarabia villages relates to the following GDO villages: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Güldendorf, Helenental, Kleinliebental, Lustdorf, Neu Freudental, Neuburg and Peterstal
Family Registry Gochsen, Nekarsulm, Wuerttemberg - Barreth, Jäger, Kress from Freudental and Mariental
- 1852 - Those Outside of the Village
134-2-134 - Immigration to Akkermann Kreis Bessarabia (134-2-134) contains information on settlers from the following GDO villages: Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Güldendorf, Helenental, Neu Freudental, and Peterstal
252-1-257 - Settlers who were to go to Grusien but are in the Odessa region
Village Statistical Information
274-2-17 - 1892 Statistical Journals About the Odessa uyezd country population for the villages of: Alexanderhilf, Grossliebental, Josefstal, Kleinliebental, and Peterstal.
R-2106 - List of the District and Village Revolutionary Committees, Grossliebental District, Odessa Gebiet February 23, 1920.
252-1-180 - Wheat Distribution/Borrowing for GDO villages in the year 1821: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Josefstal, Kleinliebental, Mariental, Neuburg, and Peterstal
6-1-1786 - About checking of boundaries of land in the Liebenthal district; about new settlement in the colony of Neu Freudental, 1824-1833 focuses on the following villages: Alexanderhilf (German - English), Freudental (German - English), Grossliebental (German - English), Josefstal (German - English), Kleinliebental (German - English), Neuburg (German - English), and Peterstal (German - English).
War Records
Koblenz Index Derivative for the following GDO villages: Alexanderhilf, Berlin, Freudental, Grossliebental, Güldendorf, Kleinliebental, Neu Freudental, Neuburg, and Peterstal