Are you looking for German-Russian genealogy information?
We connect German-Russian researchers around the world and are committed to helping people discover their German-Russian family roots from the Grossliebental District of Odessa Russia (GDO). The GDO region includes over 30 villages and daughter colonies near the Black Sea. Today the Grossliebental district is governed by Ukraine.
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Gerre, Haag, Hogk, Kächele, Merkle, Poste, Renner, Spengler, Steinmeier, Stotz, Weber
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A lunatic boarded a Canadian-Pacific eastbound train and shot passenger John Klundt...
Includes villages of: Alexanderhilf, Franzfeld, Freudental, Grossliebental, Josephstal, Kleinliebental, Lustdorf, Mariental, Neuburg, Peterstal. Buy them at our (public store, member store)