A Chapter of GRHS

Archives Index

Beresan District Odessa Regional Interest Group


AHSGR American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Lincoln, NE)

BDO Archives Index (For GRHS Members Only)

Beresan District Odessa paper copies of files available

For Members OnlyBeresan District Odessa to Sandusky, Ohio (1849)

Bessarabia Regional Interest Group

BLITZ Glossary of Russian Genealogy Terms

Books (suggested books of interest all available through GRHS, NDSU and AHSGR)

  • From Catherine to Khrushchev by Adam Giesinger
    Contains lists of the mother colonies and many daughter colonies, their location, when founded and maps. Soft Cover. 443 pages.
  • Homesteaders on the Steppe, The Odyssey of a Pioneering People by Joseph S. Height
    Contains the history and culture of the 17 Evangelical-Lutheran colonies such as Johannestal, Rohrbach, Worms, etc. Contains over 175 illustrations, maps, town plots, and rare photos of the colonies. Hard Cover. 430 pages.
  • Paradise on the Steppe, The Odyssey of a Pioneering People by Joseph S. Height
    Contains the history and culture of the Catholic colonies such as Karlsruhe, Landau, Mariental, etc. Contains historical data, statistics with lists of names and origin of original colony settlers. Illustrations, maps, town plots, and photos of colonies. Hard Cover. 411 pages.
  • The Emmigration from Germany to Russia in the years 1763 to 1862 by Karl Stumpp
    Contains alphabetical lists of names of German immigrants to Russia with many places of origin and which colonies they settled in. Two Volume set-Soft Cover. 1018 pages.
  • Through the German Colonies of the Beresan District and Colonist Tales by Hermann Bachmann
    Part one tells Hermann Bachmann’s account of his field trip with Victor Schirmunki through the Beresan colonies to record folk songs. Part two contains Bachmann’s collection of dialect stories which give insights into the lives of the people. Soft cover. 204 pages.

Castle Garden Organization
America's First Immigration Center) Free online database of New York passenger lists from 1830 through 1913

Census Records (Odessa Digital Library)

Church Denominations & History

Crimea/Krim Research

Durmersheim, Baden Database

Ellis Island Records

General Genealogy Guidelines-National Genealogy Society

General Reference Site - All In One

  • Atlas & More
  • Beginner's Guides - Libraries
  • Bio's & Who's Who - Miscellaneous
  • Databases - Phone Book
  • Dictionaries - Population
  • Electronic Texts - Postal
  • Encyclopedias - Science
  • Genealogy - Thesaurus
  • Government - Time & Date
  • Grammar & Style - Weights & Measures
  • History - World Religions
  • Internet Resources - WWW Virtual Library


GRHS Germans from Russia Heritage Society in Bismark, ND (Site Map)

    GRHS Regional Interest Groups (RIGs)
      BDO Beresan District Odessa
      BESS Bessarabia District
      KRIM Crimea & Taurien District
      GDO Grossliebental District
      GP-PR Germans to Prussia - Poland to Russia
      HOP Hoffnungstal Odessa Parrish
      KET Kherson, Ekaterinoslav, Taurida
      K-RIG Germans to Russia - Kutschurgan

Heritage Review

Historical Societies


National Genealogical Society

North Dakota State University Libraries (Fargo, ND)-Germans from Russia Heritage Collection

Odessa a German-Russian Digital Genealogical Library

Russian History Chronology

St. Petersburg Archives (Odessa-a German-Russian Digital Genealogical Library)

Surname to Source Reference

Surname to Village Index

Thomas J. Hoffman Collection, Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, Fargo, North Dakota. The Hoffman Collection is closely related to family research of the Catholic Beresan District villages.

Town History Book

United States Counties with German Russians (large web page, allow time to load)


Village Compilations (Odessa Digital Library)

Web Searching

  1. Geographical Searches
  2. National Archives of the USA
  3. National Library and National Archives of Canada
  4. People Searches
  5. Search Engines
  6. Vital Records