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Archives Index

Beresan District Odessa Regional Interest Group

At no time should any of these files be sold for profit, republished in any form, or posted on any personal website. © Germans from Russia Heritage Society

**Listings are Updated as files are posted online**

BDO Chapter Reports

BDO Archived News Index

BDO Archived Newsletters



    BDO Gains Oct 1811-Jan 1812
    BDO Losses Oct 1811-Jan 1812
    BDO Small Fonds
    6-1-1786 Neu Freudental
    6-1-20877 BDO elections of 1862
    6-1-8949 Rastadt Priest Pelitzer
    6-1-8972 Mayor Heck village of Speier
    R118-1-216 pp 1-3 New Danzig Baptist Organization - Charter
    R118-1-216 pp 3b-4b, 6 New Danzig Signatures of the members
    R118-1-216 pp 7-7b New Danzig List of occupation/education of members
    R118-1-216 pp 8-9b New Danzig Statement of obligation and declaration
    R118-1-216 pp 10 Neu Danzig Evangelical Lutheran Organization property list
    R118-1-216 pp 11-11b New Danzig Registration Form for Religious Organizations-Baptist
    R118-1-216 pp 13-17 1927 Neu Danzig Evangelical Baptist membership list
    R118-1-216 pp 18-21 New Danzig Military listing of Baptist membership list
    252-1-219 Newcomer Anna Maria TANNHAUER-1820 [without Cyrillic translation]
    252-1-256a Colonists pledged to settle on Dunn ZHURAKOVKSY's land-1826 [without Cyrillic translation]
    252-1-303 About delivery of passport-1821 [withouth Cyrillic translation]
    252-1-527 About delivery of passports-1826-28 [without Cyrillic translation]
    252-1-877 Colonists who where out of assigned villages with permission 1831-32 [without Cyrillic translation]
    252-1-922 Pastor Bonekemper dog bite incident- 1831
    2581-1-7 New Blumenfeld, Lichtenfeld, Katharinental
    274-2-17 pp 519b-520 1892 Statistical Journals of Sulz
    274-2-17 pp 523b-524 1892 Statistical Journals of Johannestal
    274-2-17 pp 525b-526 1892 Statistical Journals of Karlsruhe
    274-2-17 pp 527b-528 1892 Statistical Journals of Kathrinental
    274-2-17 pp 529-530 1892 Statistical Journals of Speier/Speyer
    274-2-18 pp 57b - 65b 1892 Worms Village Information
    274-2-18 pp 66b 1892 Worms Village Q & A
    274-2-18 pp 133b-136 1892 Statistical Journals of Sebastianfeld
    274-2-18 Sebastianfeld 1892 Village Q & A
    R276-1-65; page 1 30 April 1928 Waterloo Division of land
    R276-2-35; images 1-3 Rohrbach livestock innoculations
    R276-2-44; image 1 Rohrbach List of Candidates for People's Representative to the People's Court
    R276-2-44; image 2 Rohrbach List of Chosen Candidates for People's Representative for the People's Court
    R276-2-47; image 1 Rohrbach Extract of household servants - voters list
    R276-2-57; image 1 Rohrbach Declaration from Citizen Friedrich, son of Friedrich, Huber
    R276-2-57; image 2 Rohrbach Declaration from Citizen Johann Georg, son of Jakob, Ridinger
    R276-2-59; page 25, image 1 Rohrbach Certificate of birth for citizen Heinrich, son of Friedrich, Huber
    R276-2-59; page 30, image 2 Rohrbach Declaration from Oskar, son of Ivan, Vogt
    R276-2-66; images 1-6 1928 Waterloo list of rented/owned land
    R276-2-66; image 7 1928 Waterloo Citizens leasing public land
    R276-2-66; images 8-9 1928 Waterloo Citizens leasing government land
    R276-2-66; images 10-11 1928 Waterloo Citizens leasing land from under the Lubjanka Village Council
    R276-2-66; images 12-15 1928 Waterloo Tax List
    R276-2-66; images 16-17 Waterloo Council meeting about the tax list
    R276-2-66; images 18-19 Waterloo Record of meeting on Sept 1928 concerning agricultural taxes
    R276-2-66; images 20-21 Waterloo Record should be seen with images 18-19 concerning agricultural taxes
    R276-2-72; images 1-2 Rohrbach - Military - List of civilians subject to callup in fall of 1929
    R276-2-72; images 3-6 Rohrbach - Civilians Born in 1908
    R276-2-72; images 7-8 Rohrbach - Military - list of youth of draft age subject to callup in the fall of 1929
    R276-2-72; image 9 Rohrbach - Certificate - civilian Jakob, son of Jakob, Stoller
    R276-2-72; image 10 Rohrbach - List of youth of draft age, born in 1907 who have lost their voting rights
    R276-2-72; image 11 Rohrbach - List of kulaks (rich peasants that utilize other people's labor) that were born in 1907
    R276-2-72; image 12 Rohrbach - Military - Listed are to appear at the K. Liebknecht Raion Military Kommisariat (Enlistment Office) dated 15 May 29
    R276-2-72; image 13 Rohrbach - Military - List of civilians who were born in the years 1901, 1902, 1900, and 1899, who must appear at the Raion Military Desk on 10 July
    R276-2-72; images 14-15 Rohrbach - Military - Youth eligible for the draft subject to the callup in the fall of 1929
    R276-2-72; image 16 Rohrbach - Youths of draft age born in 1907 and 1906 subject to callup in 1929 who have lost their voting rights
    R276-2-72; images 17-18 Rohrbach - Military - Youths of draft age subject to callup in 1929
    R276-2-72; image 19 Rohrbach - Military - Youths of draft age subject to callup in 1929 who have lost their ------- rights
    R276-2-72; image 20-21 Rohrbach - Military - List of civilians who completed their transfer into the military 27 November, 1929
    R276-2-73; File Title Rohrbach Village Council, Karl Liebknecht District, Inventory 5, File 73
    R276-2-73; pp 30-30b, images 1-2. Rohrbach - Taxes - Supplemental list of those from whom tax payments were received for 1928-1929
    R276-2-73; pp 46-46b, 47, images 3-5. Rohrbach - Information on Individual Landholders of Chutor Neufeld
    R276-2-73; pp 48-48b, images 6-7. Rohrbach - Taxes - List of those due to pay S. Kh. N. (probably agricultural taxes) for 1929 -1930
    R276-2-73; pp 51, image 10. Rohrbach - Taxes - List of people who will receive a reduction of their agricultural taxes for 1929 -1930
    R276-2-73; pp 52, images 11-12. Rohrbach - Taxes - Citizens are requested to pay their taxes
    R276-2-73; pp 59, images 8-9. Rohrbach - Taxes - List of those due to pay S. Kh. N. (probably agricultural taxes) for 1929 -1930
    R276-2-73; pp 77-77b, 78, images 13-14. Rohrbach - The poor citizens who should be relieved of paying taxes for the year 1929/30
    R276-2-73; pp 97, images 16-17. Rohrbach - Taxes-List of the poorest inhabitants who were unable to pay their S. Kh. (agricultural) taxes for (19)29
    R276-2-77; pp 2-5b images 1-5. Rohrbach - Record of Violations of Public Acts for 1930, 1931 and 1932
    R276-2-79; pp 12. image 1. Rohrbach - Military - List Citizens born in 1909
    630-1-347 pp12-14 1917 Gueldendorf List of those baptized at Odessa St. Paul Ev.-Lutheran Church
    R1217-1-1 pp 1-4 Neu Danzig Payers of Agricultural Taxes for the Second Term
    R1217-1-2 pp 1 1927 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Eliz. Bucholz
    R1217-1-2 pp 2 1927 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Ivan Ullrich
    R1217-1-2 pp 3 1928 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Ivan Dickhaut
    R1217-1-2 pp 4 1928 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Alexander Dickhaut
    R1217-1-2 pp 5-6 Neu Danzig List of farms subject to self-taxation
    R1217-1-2 pp 7 Neu Danzig Non-payers of agricultural taxes
    R1217-1-2 pp 8-12 Neu Danzig List of citizens subject to self-taxation
    R1217-1-6 pp 1 1926 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Karl Berndt
    R1217-1-6 pp 2 1920 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Jakob Krieger
    R1217-1-6 pp 3-5 1926 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Katharina Wagner
    R1217-1-7 pp 1-2 1926-27 Neu Danzig List of Agricultural Tax payers
    R1217-1-7 pp 3-5 1927 Neu Danzig List of Non-Agricultural Tax payers
    R1217-1-7 pp 6 Neu Danzig Inventory of property of Paul Heft
    R1217-1-7 pp 7-8 Neu Danzig List of citizens of Non-Agricultural jobs
    R1217-1-8 pp 1-6 1927 Neu Danzig Organizational Meeting of the Village Council
    R1217-1-10 pp 1-3 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname of Hennig
    R1217-1-10 pp 4-7 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname of Pudwill
    R1217-1-10 pp 8-11 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname of Berndt
    R1217-1-10 pp 12-15 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surnames of Hochhalter and Ganske
    R1217-1-10 pp 16-19 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname if Pudwill
    R1217-1-10 pp 20-23 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname of Ulrich
    R1217-1-10 pp 24-26 1927 List of citizens of Neu Danzig and Chutor Luxemburg -winter wheat seed
    R1217-1-10 pp 27-29 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname Heft
    R1217-1-10 pp 30-31 1927 Family and property list of the Luxemburg Chutor resettlers
    R1217-1-10 pp 32-34 1927 Family and property list of the Luxemburg Chutor resettlers
    R1217-1-10 pp 35-37 1927 Neu Danzig separation of land. Surname of Dickhaut
    R1217-1-11 pp 1-5 Neu Danzig 01 January 1927 List of those who have farm livestock
    R1217-1-11 pp 6 Neu Danzig Transference of files and books to new secretary
    R1217-1-12 pp 1-7 1927 Neu Danzig Agricultural Society transition to a better system of land use
    R1217-1-12 pp 9-12 1927 Homesteads New Danzig Agricultural Society
    R1217-1-13 pp 1-3 13 December 1927 Minutes of Neu Danzig Agricultural Socity
    R1217-1-16 pp 1 1928 Neu Danzig Judicial Order. Surnames Berndt and Ulrich
    R1217-1-18 pp 1 1928 Neu Danzig Registration of labor agreements
    R1217-1-27 pp 1-5 Neu Danzig People who receive credit for spring planting and livestock feed
    R1217-1-27 pp 6 Statement. Neu Danzig Return planting materials citizen Fuhrmann, Jakob
    R1217-1-27 pp 7 Statement. Neu Danzig Return planting materials citizen Heft, Paul
    R1217-1-27 pp 8 Statement. Neu Danzig Return planting materials citizen Thiel, Joseph
    R1217-1-27 pp 9 Statement. Neu Danzig Return planting materials citizen Heft, Paul
    R1217-1-27 pp 10-14 Neu Danzig List of people working together on spring planting
    R1217-1-27 pp 15-20 Neu Danzig List of spring plantings
    R1217-1-27 pp 21-23 Neu Danzig People without horses or other stock.
    R1217-1-27 pp 24-31 Neu Danzig Working Class people.
    R1217-1-28 pp 1 Neu Danzig Statement of new home. Surnames mentioned: Benkendorf, Edinger, Karch, Pudwill
3836-1-5 1919 Landau Volost Executive Committee about issuance of passports and permits - several villages mentioned
3836-1-9 1919 Landau Volost Executive Committee - List of employees and peasants
3836-1-9a (part 2) 3836-1-10 1919 Landau Volost Executive Committee - List of births and deaths of inhabitants of Volost from June - August
8085-6-3 1920 Landau Death records
8085-6-5 1919 Landau Birth records, June - August

Saratov Archive

Marriage records privately obtained and donated by Alvina Ballinger.
Surnames are: Hellman, Hammel, Brucker, Weinberger, Bokemeier, Geisel, Obenloch, Braun, Reichert, Heck, Mack, Thomas, Gelsinger.









ROHRBACH - St. Petersburg Files

St. Petersburg the Early Years
St.Petersburg Annual Reports of 1899-1917

Village Coordinator Newsletter Supplements

New Leipzig, North Dakota, USA